Many people
have asked us
what Vajomba means. Many people have
also asked us why our candy is so yummy,
but let’s answer the first question first.
what Vajomba means. Many people have
also asked us why our candy is so yummy,
but let’s answer the first question first.
In short, Vajomba means-
let’s feel alive!
In long, it means:

v stands for vajomba, duh
jiggle wiggle tickle pickles
oh yeahhhh
man with a funny hat and a silly mustache
boom Boom Boom
v stands for vajomba, duh
jiggle wiggle tickle pickles
oh yeahhhh
man with a funny hat and a silly mustache
boom Boom Boom
v stands for vajomba, duh
jiggle wiggle tickle pickles
oh yeahhhh
man with a funny hat and a silly mustache
boom Boom Boom
Now that we’ve cleared things up,
here are a few equations
to explain why our candy is so yummy.

Fun + Energy = Funergy
Himalaya Vajomba = Funergy
You + Adulting = Sad
Sad You + Funergy = Feel Alive
If you are bad at math, just pop in a
Himalaya Vajomba candy.
It might not make you better at math,
but it’ll make you feel more alive.